When a tooth is decayed beyond repair it is extracted even though its grip within the socket is strong.
Teeth require extraction even if they are not decayed, when their supportive tissues like, gums, bone and ligaments get destroyed.
Extraction of even the strongest tooth is done by a skillful and trained method and not by strength. In the normal circumstances, an extraction wound does not require stitching.
However, stitches are required when excess or unusual bleeding is expected or when the patient has a bleeding tendency.
Stitches are also given in case of multiple extractions, to ensure proper healing.
Multiple stitches ensure proper closing of the wound and do not necessarily make the surgery major.
Once the tooth is extracted and is out of the socket, the empty space gets filled with blood which subsequently solidifies to form a clot.
A cotton pack is normally placed on the extraction wound for about twenty minutes to control the oozing of blood and facilitate clot formation.
Spitting, rinsing and intake of hot or hard food should be avoided to prevent dislodgement of blood clot.
After extraction, usually application of ice is recommended externally, to help contraction of blood vessels and control bleeding and reduce swelling. Ice should be applied intermittently to avoid freezing of normal tissue.
As the healing continues, the clot turns into fibres and then into bone like tissue called alveolus which fills the space.
The irregular edges of the socket also get smoothened.
The gums grow over the extraction wound and join together to form an even surface.
Within couple of weeks this pad of gum becomes strong enough to bear weight of an artificial tooth.